Tuesday 19 July 2005


So Lee got in a bit over a week ago, on a Saturday afternoon, and has been staying with me. We've pretty much gotten her to every place worth seeing within reasonable reach of a day trip: St. Malo, Mont St-Michel, Vannes, various trips around Rennes, and even Betton and the canal yesterday. In between times I've been filling in some gaps in her cultural education, in the various forms of Firefly episodes, and Blade Runner, and revisiting both of our childhoods in the form of the Mysterious Cities of Gold. Notably, the latter has fallen into my basket of childhood pleasures that stand up less well to the passage of time.

This afternoon we're looking to head up to Normandy for a couple of days to look at beaches and the like. We'd go to Switzerland, but I'm still working out troubles with my carte de sejour (which should all be sorted next week, the lady assures me), so am nervous about leaving (or more accurately re-entering) France.

In a spare moment, we've set Lee up with here very own blog, over at Vikings and Fjords. The name doesn't fit so long as she's parading around sunny Brittany (I'm unable to convince Australians that Brittany is a rainy place!), but should do better once she gets to Oslo in August.


Anonymous said...

A sneak preview of the firefly movie is showing here on friday, two months ahead of it's general release. But chris is arriving at exactly the same time :(

Anonymous said...

Fancy not allowing anonymous sisters to comment on blogs Lee.

Given that my comments are not welcome on Lee's page I'll insert them here:

Bet you didn't know you have a sister who can cook Alsatian Tasmanian pheasant. Including cabbage spiced with (among other things) native pepperberries sourced from the Arm River.